
Sunday, May 8, 2011


Georgy is inspired by a Revlon print ad featuring Halle Berry. She sports a long lavender hair with purple streaks, a purple hair accessory, and purple earrings. So, its so purple. I love purple. It’s my husband’s favorite color.

I must admit, I wasn’t feeling really enthusiastic when I drew Georgy. I was dealing with some insecurity issues that popped up as  a result to seeing an old rival on Facebook who looked super gorgeous in a two-piece swim suit in her profile picture. The rush of what-would-people-think-if-they’d-see-me-now thought filled my whole consciousness. That same reason that pushed me away from creativity was exerting itself on me again.
So when I first finished Georgy, she lacked sparkle. She was unsure. But I got over the “feeling” a lot faster this time. The following night, I gave Georgy some earrings, a nice hair accessory and made her hair longer. She gained confidence as I recovered mine.

Georgy speckcase
Georgy by mimamoira
Be a ipad affiliate with Zazzle.

Georgy shirt
Georgy by mimamoira
Become a part of Zazzle's clothing affiliate program

Georgy mug
Georgy by mimamoira
Make travel coffee mugs with zazzle

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